event action replay codes for pokemon soul silver shiny trio

Pokemon Soul Silver Action Replay Codes,.
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Original post: Hi, Is there anyone making any AR code for Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver . I already see allot of codes on GBATemp but there is no cod for things
Ultima team (select) Utima contains Pokemon such as kyogre shiny rayquaza shiny these two modest groudon modest Lugia modest and another Lugia with ghost attacks.
event action replay codes for pokemon soul silver shiny trio
Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold- Pro. Action Replay Pokemonreplay
This is only for pokemon HG/SS and platinums is way better but they'll probably improve it my real channel http://www.youtube.com/user/esdeflex Pokemon
event action replay codes for pokemon soul silver shiny trio
Action Replay Codes For Pokemon Heart.Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold Action.
Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Action Replay Codes (US Versions) - download or read online. Action Replay Codes for the US versions of Heart Gold/Soul Silver.
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver [USA] Action Replay Official Code List
Pokemon Soul Silver Action Replay Codes,.
Pokemon Soul Silver/Heart Gold Action.